Taping and Bracing

Rigid tape is often used as an adjunct to treatment for a variety of conditions. Its main aim is to provide stabilisation of a joint or facilitation of a muscle. It can also assist with pain reduction by offloading a tendon/muscle. Kinesio-tape is stretchy and wont provide structural support but can be used to assist in muscle activation. For more traumatic injuries or post operatively a rigid brace is often used to provide additional support.

Common conditions:

  • Joint sprain/ligament damage
  • Muscle tear
  • Joint dislocation
  • Tendinitis
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Patellofemoral pain

Tape is applied to the skin and will usually remain in place for 3-4 days. A protective layer of foam underwrap or hypafix can be used first to make it easier and less painful to remove the tape. In some instances excess hair may need to be removed to allow for adhesion of the tape.

Taping should generally be a precursor to a rehabilitation program to regain full strength and stability through exercises. It is important that patients are weaned off this support slowly under the supervision of a physiotherapist for the majority of injuries.

With ankle sprains being one of the most common injuries in field sports preventative strapping/supports can also be used to reduce this risk. The research suggests that this is most beneficial for those with previous ankle sprains where there has been damage to the ligaments (Dizon and Reyes, 2010).

Here at Eastwest we will assess to determine if taping/bracing is most beneficial for you and your condition. We have years of hands on taping experience and use only high quality products. In addition to this we strive to provide an exercise program specifically designed to help you optimally rehab your injury.


Dizon, J.M.R. and Reyes, J.J.B., 2010. A systematic review on the effectiveness of external ankle supports in the prevention of inversion ankle sprains among elite and recreational players. Journal of Science and medicine in sport, 13(3), pp.309-317.

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